
Entretenimiento y Ayuda a Webmasters

| ZonaAD | Entretenimiento y Ayuda a Webmasters |


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Original design: Daleri Mega (v1.0 - July 10, 2008) - A free xhtml/css website template by Andreas Viklund and stylishtemplate.com.
For more information, see http://andreasviklund.com/templates/daleri-mega/

/* Body */
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/* Main menu */
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/* Headline */
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/* Headers */
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/* Content */
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/* Sidebar */
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/* Footer */
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/* Links and tags */
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/* Various classes */
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#Noticia{margin: 0 auto;width:90%;line-height:15px;
background:#EDFAFF;border:1px solid #95D6FF;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;min-height:10px;}
#Noticia img{border-right: 2px solid #fafafa;}

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